Secrets of the Fed | Today’s top gold news and opinion

New York Sun/Editorial/7-27-2022

Image of the word "FED" with a gold coin in the background

“Finally, the Fed doesn’t know what a dollar is. The word ‘dollars’ appears twice in the United States Constitution, yet it is not defined there. The Founders understood the dollar to have a fixed value in specie. The statutes that once defined the dollar as a fixed weight of silver or gold — a 35th of an ounce of the latter, as recently as 1971 — are gone, though, and the dollar has lost 98.8 percent of its value since the founding of the Fed.”

USAGOLD note: The above is number five of the five secrets the New York Sun reveals. It says it wishes China luck on spying for Fed secrets. “We’ve been trying to get the central bank’s secrets for years,” says the newspaper’s editors, “and its easier to mine for Bitcoin.” An entertaining and informative read at the link……


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