Bubble expert Jeremy Grantham predicts a huge decline in stocks, tears into bitcoin, and slams the Fed

MarketsInsider/Theron Mohamed/8-10-2022

Cartoon image of Dr. Moneywise with umbrella, rain falling

“Value managers have always hated commodities. They’re about as unpredictable as anything on the planet. If you go short, you die a thousand deaths, and if you go long, it’s pretty much as bad. I certainly don’t recommend people to go short metals. If you can go long and throw the key away, I think that will do just fine. It does take nerves of steel, and you better have a good look at your nerves before you do it.”

USAGOLD note: Good advice. At USAGOLD we have always advocated buying the metals as a long term store of value, as opposed to leveraged speculation, and essentially throwing the key away. Own gold for a rainy day. Use it if and when that day arrives. And if Grantham is right, that day might be here sooner than most think.


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