Burry slams the White House for denying a recession is looming – and sounds the alarm on inflation, credit-card debt, and labor shortages

MarketsInsider/Theron Mohamed/7-25-2022

graphic image displaying rising inflation vector

“‘The White House would like you to redefine a recession as one in which consumers are not borrowing on credit cards to pay for inflation, and neither is the labor force inadequate for the size of the economy,’ he tweeted on Sunday. ‘GDP out Thursday, not that there’s anything wrong with that,’ Burry added.”

USAGOLD note: Burry’s latest……Drive down Mainstreet Anywhere USA and you will see something peculiar – Help Wanted signs in almost every window. Burry sees it as a sign of impending longer-term inflation. If you have seen the prices at your favorite eateries skyrocket of late, it is not difficult to figure out the reasons why. Burry, famous for his economic prescience, might be on to something……


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