Acting CoC Michael Hsu: Crypto is ‘immature,’ but maybe it doesn’t have to go away By Cointelegraph


Acting CoC Michael Hsu: Crypto is ‘immature,’ but maybe it doesn’t have to go away

United States acting controller of the currency Michael Hsu acknowledged his skepticism about cryptocurrency and clarified his position on regulation in two thematically linked lectures October 11. “While I am skeptical of crypto’s real world utility today and hyper-aware of the risks it poses to consumers and the financial system, I cannot say with certainty that crypto is useless and should go away,” he said.

Hsu began the day at DC FinTech Week, where he talked about identifying risk. One of the risk “lenses” he spoke of was skeuomorphism, or referencing familiar things to explain the unfamiliar — a common, and at times frowned upon, practice in software design.