The $20 Trillion Dollar World Financial Collapse?

Note: I am not a Wall Street investment banker. I have never “run” money like a myriad of folks that ply their skill sets in that trade. The last 15 years was a false financial reality imposed to keep banks afloat after the GFC of 2007-2009, using Japan’s model. Ostensibly, these FED folks used what they saw the Japanese do throughout their Lost Decade(s) as a zombie economy (labeled: Modern Monetary Theory to give this an air of respectability). Entangling together their key corporations, government ownership, business elites, a keiretsu modelenhancing cross ownership ties, think: Blackrock/Vanguard/State Street (for a U.S. corporate ownership example) – while keeping their interest rates at zero (or negative) while the Bank of Japan slowing acquire more and more (over 50% in June 2022) of all their outstanding bonds and activity. (Trading short in Japanese bonds is called the Widow-maker trade.)


The U.S. went bust in 2009 – technically. Since then, the hope by our enemies (internal and external) was to drive the U.S. dollar out of its role as reserve currency. It is not hard to understand why (for them) on many fronts, both legit and purely dictatorial.

First, our foreign policy, ran by British-US Neocons, is based off warmongering, secret operations, and brutality that has killed millions since 1945. (Not all our acts were heinous – but the preponderance of the evidence weighs against us, especially since 1991.) This is a bitter truth to swallow as a U.S. Navy veteran from a long, long line of veterans back to the U.S Revolution. [Some won’t agree here – I get it.]

Second, our neocon/neoliberal greed-driven, short-sighted crony capitalists thought their forays into China were going to ameliorate that pesky Communism had there. These clowns of corruption can’t get it through their heads that the Chinese are an old kingdom of hierarchical structuring with a pretty lackluster history of respecting rights of individuals and they didn’t get to harmony without cracking a few eggs a la Lenin. (One knows how this sounds after the paragraph above.) But the Chinese are also renown for their disregard of the individuality – as they still foster a subtle “ Confucian-styled harmony” through a oneness to collective(ism) of right thoughts and purpose channeled to obedience to a hierarchy no matter how bad the “Emperor” or Paramount Leader is. Look at their propaganda pieces – and their emphasis in them.

Meanwhile, our Western kleptocrats have pumped that well dry and now, are facing the dilemmas of how to reposition and still keep the honey flowing upwards to them. The WEF – that large conglomerate took even further hold of the idea of supra-nationalizing all businesses (their World Order dreams) and destructing individual rights under the inharmonious huckstering guises of Climate, Social and Economic Justice.

Their Propagandists are telling everyone that their bad people for not wanting their kids to be groomed towards transgenderism or must be racists if they don’t want to dwell on actions 300-400 years ago AND ALSO pay reparations for them as well. These truly evil folks are destroying cities with violent crime allowance, education disruption and destruction, and foisting all the blame on their most independent populations, like every narcissist EVER HAS IN HISTORY.

Their high-priced propagandists are telling everyone their consumption and needs are to be subjugated by law because the planet is doomed from Climate Change – and we must all suffer (but for these kleptocrats in power) for any and all past consumerism mistakes. (Note: This was something Edward Bernays developed as, “engineering of consent” while Noam Chomsky wrote a book based off Lippman’s similar take (a Bernays peer) as the manufacturing of consent. The UN has decided to engineer consent regarding minors and sex (26) – the normalization of pedophilia is right in line with their absolute evil promotion of perversion. Defund the UN – and declare them a terrorist organization. (Because they are.)

8 March Principles Final Printer Version 1 March 2023

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“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.”

But back to climate and economic “justice.”

China & India are creating more and more environmental havoc. (China fired up more coal plants than the rest of the world combine in 2020-2022) and have done so FOR YEARS without any of those pesky US/EU regulations involved. One could offer that nuclear energy should be a path forward, as this hypocrisy knows no bounds if you wanted to contain CO2 Emissions. (But then these people will pick another gas to whine about and beat people up over.)

Notice Our Western Propaganda is a 180 degree inversion of unity, of oneness, of cultural purpose, with a respect for national traditions and cultures inside alike. This is by design – to kill off the West (through 5th generation warfare) in the face of building up the “Global South” to a zenith to exploit for another 50-100 years. It also helps that these BRIICSS Countries have substantial natural resources under boot (or soon will), while Europe is decidedly lacking in such resources while overburdened with debt. (And the EU/Germany is intentionally shutting down nuclear plants, coal plants, creating higher consumer costs for all their citizens, intentional chaos making, to garner further control by a Hegelian Reaction.)

Well, I am glad you asked. 😁

The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) keeps tabs on derivatives, if poorly (it hasn’t been updated since June 2022). Since 2014, as others have noted, the goal was not to inform of the overall size of the Credit Derivatives market by compacting the problem down (subterfuge) for a savings cost. Even so, one can surmise that even a .5% failure rate on more than a Quadrillion dollars in derivatives is not inconceivable. (The probability is NOT ZERO.)

We just saw 3 major banking entities (Silicon Valley, Silvergate, Credit Suisse) hit the wall like an Aztecian Ullamaliztli player inside 3 weeks with Swiss-based UBS feasting off the corpse of their Credit Suisse losers of the great financial Ponzi game.

With the national (current) debt of the world’s reserve currency soon topping $32 trillion, an absentee-by-puppetry POTUS, tilting at Wind Farms like a Don Quixote kid-sniffing buffoon, and a Congress that has more in common with their corrupt CCP peers, than any common American, there is ZERO confidence in the maintenance of monetary system or its financial stability. 85% of Foreign Reserves are based off soon-to-be-crap, debt-addled currencies. (The Yen & Euro are not better options.)

Note: EDIT at 4/20/23 at 10:30pm]

In March 2008, when Bear Stearnes smashed into the wall, the escalation through Washington Mutual, Ginnie and Freddie Mac, to the Lehman Bros. event took 6 months. That was a better U.S. economy then even with the high commodities inflation preceding the credit market freezing up like a northern Canadian tundra good for hockey and ice fishing.

We have macro trends at present – declining amounts of M2 in the works – deflation – and there are signs of a deep recession or depression. My bet here: is a Greater Depression than the last one in the 1930s.

A $20 Trillion dollar financial and economic collapse would be a 20% decline in World GDP (valued under dollars) as GDP stands around $100 trillion for a year. No one would want a piece of paper – AND – that’s what our Overlords want to bring forth Central Bank Digital Currency. PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION.

It also explains partly the recent attempts to lever up anyone who might still like their power position (JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon). I mentioned him in a podcast – I have ZERO LOVE for him & my 14-year old bank account with JPM is NOT overflowing with wealth – but there are people that are worse intentioned towards Humanity at the moment. Getting Dimon out, as Tom Luongo noted might be a far worse decision (that we won’t get to make):

The timing on this is, of course, coincident with Dimon’s legal troubles over the same issue, which we know is a highly politicized issue. Now, if there is one person who has the pull and the power to support the Fed’s moves to regain control over its monetary policy it is Jamie Dimon.

As such, Dimon then represents one of the biggest threats to Davos’ desired outcomes of a future dominated by full surveillance over all financial activity via CBDCs. Make no mistake, I don’t trust Dimon as far as I could throw him, but I also know that he is a fulcrum on which a lot of future plans rest. [My emphasis.]

I concur for the most part. That’s good enough.

Well, these “WEF” Central Bankers will continue their agenda, pushing the insane woke, hampering all the realities of free enterprise, decimating your life with hyperinflation or deflationary pressures, while they destruct any banks they wish. If they can put a puppet in at JPMorgan Chase, these psychopathic forces will do it everywhere else. The West will be done in like those Aztecs.

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These forces did it with the current U.S. President. Probably several times as well since 1963.

My prediction: You Will Own Nothing & Best Get WELL PREPARED.


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