What the Central Bankers Don’t Want to Tell You

It’s time to dispel some myths here.

The political class does not operate with good intentions. Sure, there are some naïve goofballs among the political elite that believe in whack job economic ideologies.

However…. there are plenty of predatory politicians out here who view state power as a gigantic hammer to cudgel the general populace into submission. These people don’t operate in good faith, nor do they believe in a higher purpose.

They’re in politics for power and they view people as mere pawns to politically exploit or even lab rats to experiment on. These are soulless creatures who want to do massive amounts of harm.

Western politicians’ power has only magnified in the past century as central banking and massive administrative states have become hallmarks of public policy. These new tools have allowed them to tyrannize millions of productive people and make their lives miserable.

There are no good intentions here. The quicker we realize that, the quicker we will be able to solve the main political problems of our time.

Our very own George Gammon harbors no illusions about politicians’ intentions. He views them as depraved crooks who are always trying to harm people.

Central bankers are an especially nasty faction of the political class. Currently, they have a nefarious plot to impoverish millions of people across the West.

Make sure to check out one of George Gammon’s latest videos to learn how these globalist ghouls want to make you economically miserable.

—Team Rebel Capitalist


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