Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all By Cointelegraph


Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all

Until now, its been assumed that giving artificial intelligence emotions allowing them to get angry or make mistakes is a terrible idea. But what if the solution to keeping robots aligned with human values is to make them more human, with all our flaws and compassion?

Robot Souls book cover. (Amazon (NASDAQ:))

Thats the premise of a forthcoming book called Robot Souls: Programming in Humanity, by Eve Poole, an academic at the Hult International Business School. She argues that in our bid to make artificial intelligence perfect, we have stripped out all the junk code that makes us human, including emotions, free will, the ability to make mistakes, to see meaning in the world and cope with uncertainty.

A screenshot of a chat between a Replika user named Effy and her AI partner Liam. (ABC)
Replika AI has personalities and can hold realistic conversations. Another supplied screenshot of Effy and Liam. (ABC)
Googles Bard AI believes we should treat AGI like humans so it doesnt treat us like machines. (Medium)
Kevin Fischer invented a moody teenager Emobot. (GitHub)
Samantha AGI is a first step toward the sort of AI with a digital soul Fischer hopes to create. (
Kevin Fischer trained a bot on his own messages, and it did a pretty good job of impersonating him. (

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Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all

Until now, its been assumed that giving artificial intelligence emotions allowing them to get angry or make mistakes is a terrible idea. But what if the solution to keeping robots aligned with human values is to make them more human, with all our flaws and compassion?

Robot Souls book cover. (Amazon (NASDAQ:))

Thats the premise of a forthcoming book called Robot Souls: Programming in Humanity, by Eve Poole, an academic at the Hult International Business School. She argues that in our bid to make artificial intelligence perfect, we have stripped out all the junk code that makes us human, including emotions, free will, the ability to make mistakes, to see meaning in the world and cope with uncertainty.

A screenshot of a chat between a Replika user named Effy and her AI partner Liam. (ABC)
Replika AI has personalities and can hold realistic conversations. Another supplied screenshot of Effy and Liam. (ABC)
Googles Bard AI believes we should treat AGI like humans so it doesnt treat us like machines. (Medium)
Kevin Fischer invented a moody teenager Emobot. (GitHub)
Samantha AGI is a first step toward the sort of AI with a digital soul Fischer hopes to create. (
Kevin Fischer trained a bot on his own messages, and it did a pretty good job of impersonating him. (

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