Proof-of-truth: Countering AI overreach through Cointelegraph’s Historical NFTs By Cointelegraph


In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged as an asset class offering a unique opportunity to own many kinds of digital items — both rare and valuable. Since the initial boom of NFTs manifested through the world of collectible digital art (such as Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks), the past year has seen digital collectibles utilized in various other interesting real-world use cases. Cointelegraph’s Historical Collection is a prime example of this.

The Historical Collection is an initiative that allows individuals to own a piece of history by minting any article published on Cointelegraph as a digital collectible. It offers an opportunity to search for iconic art and headlines or hunt for hot, breaking news early to mint on the Polygon blockchain.

Becoming part of history