AI Eye: Get better results being nice to ChatGPT, AI fake child porn debate, Amazon’s AI reviews By Cointelegraph


AI Eye: Get better results being nice to ChatGPT, AI fake child porn debate, Amazon’s AI reviews

Twitter polls and Reddit forums suggest that around 70% of people find it difficult to be rude to ChatGPT, while around 16% are fine treating the chatbot like an AI slave.

The overall feeling seems to be that if you treat an AI that behaves like a human badly, youll be more likely to fall into the habit of treating other people badly, too, though one user was hedging his bets against the coming AI bot uprising:

Redditor Nodating posted in the ChatGPT forum earlier this week that hes been experimenting with being polite and friendly to ChatGPT after reading a story about how the bot had shut down and refused to answer prompts from a particularly rude user.

Nobody likes rudeness. (ChatGPT)
Being polite is part of the formula for a good prompt. (ChatGPT/Artificial Corner)
Customer review summaries (Amazon (NASDAQ:))
To change the clothing simply select the area and write a text prompt (AI Educator Chase Lean’s Twitter)
Vary region demo by AI educator Chase Lean (Twitter)

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AI Eye: Get better results being nice to ChatGPT, AI fake child porn debate, Amazon’s AI reviews

Twitter polls and Reddit forums suggest that around 70% of people find it difficult to be rude to ChatGPT, while around 16% are fine treating the chatbot like an AI slave.

The overall feeling seems to be that if you treat an AI that behaves like a human badly, youll be more likely to fall into the habit of treating other people badly, too, though one user was hedging his bets against the coming AI bot uprising:

Redditor Nodating posted in the ChatGPT forum earlier this week that hes been experimenting with being polite and friendly to ChatGPT after reading a story about how the bot had shut down and refused to answer prompts from a particularly rude user.

Nobody likes rudeness. (ChatGPT)
Being polite is part of the formula for a good prompt. (ChatGPT/Artificial Corner)
Customer review summaries (Amazon (NASDAQ:))
To change the clothing simply select the area and write a text prompt (AI Educator Chase Lean’s Twitter)
Vary region demo by AI educator Chase Lean (Twitter)

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